He invited me to check his story on-line and I was once again amazed at what evil befalls men and women who are controlled by the drug culture, in this case "meth." You might have read about Bo and his female accomplice in the media.
Bo was hard and proud the first time we met. He wanted to talk just a little but didn't need any help. I passed him several times in his unit when he sent me a kite request to visit. This time, his entire countenance was transformed from the inside out.
He is not in denial about his crimes. He said,"When we were on meth I don't even know how many cars we stole and things we robbed. I stole one computer that may have contained pictures and records of someone that we couldn't even put an amount on. I sold it for $100 for drugs. That is just the beginning."
He is repentant from the inside out and fully expects to be sentenced for his crimes. Still, he is learning a whole new life walking with Jesus.

I am very excited to have Peter, Jonathan, and Nathan join Jim, Peyton and me for an eastern Washington and Oregon on the weekend of September 10-12. My goal is to get some of our church family actively participating in the PFC mission with me.
I am stumbling over mail merge with my letter I need to get sent out to faithful supporters as I need to raise $4,000 for this trip.I got most of my shots taken care of last week, as well. Our Congo-Rwanda team meets every couple of weeks, the next meeting is October 21 in Woodinville.