Monday, December 26, 2011

A memorable gaze in Clallam Bay

Olympic Peninsula
As this Christmas season is now heading toward 2012, the peaceful gaze on an inmate's face continues to play in my mind as I reflect on a recent PFC concert with the Unchained band at Clallam Bay Correction Center. 

This tour helped make the ministry Christmas season special for me. I participate as a travel warrior and occasional preacher at select sites, as opportunities work out within and outside PFC. So, I accompanied the band to the Clallam Bay and Olympic Correction Centers on the Olympic Peninsula off Highway 101 on December 17.

                  Reflection on Christmas

How was your Christmas season?  To many like ours, families are taking time out for catching up over scrumptious dinners, gift exchanges, and worship services.   For others, this season is lonely and new obstacles arise.  Challenges of everyday life don't stop.  This season brings out exhilarating highs and depressing lows. Some events kick us in our stomachs.

Charles Spurgeon
"This is the best ending of a Christmas day—to wash anew in the cleansing fountain. Believer, come to this sacrifice continually; if it be so good tonight, it is good every night. 
"To live at the altar is the privilege of the royal priesthood; to them sin, great as it is, is nevertheless no cause for despair, since they draw near yet again to the sin-atoning victim, and their conscience is purged from dead works." 
~Charles Spurgeon
                   The Holy Spirit working
Clallam Bay CC
We had 54 men at CBCC and 16 at OCC. We were all delighted one man made a first time commitment to receive Christ at CB and several took steps to deepen their walks.  We met KC and Craig, PFC group leaders at CBCC, who have served there monthly from Bothel for 14 years.
  We saw signs of the Holy Spirit working even as we entered the facility.  The officers and PFC group leaders were incredibly welcoming.  As our concerts progressed, Kent, who facilitates the sound, was not able to come on this trip so Bruce and Chris stepped up to meet the need.
Olympic CC
The inmates at the concert were very actively participating as Unchained led in concert-worship before and after I spoke. I felt the very joyful presence of the Holy Spirit throughout this service. I preached from Luke 2:22-35 on Simeon's prophetic statement about the baby Jesus directly to Mary and Joseph.  My theme wrapped all around Jesus meeting every need in our lives. While Mary and Joseph watched and listened carefully, Simeon held Jesus in his arms.  He had been waiting his entire life to see this Jesus.  Can we imagine that? 

What are your deepest dreams?  Jesus meets you right there!  The ministry of Jesus speaks to the deepest places of our hearts.

Jesus is our very personal and every people group's:
  • consolation
  • anointed Messiah
  • revealed salvation
  • appointed judge...and
  • opposing sign for the lost 

               Serving with Unchained

Geoff White of Unchained
At our CBCC service, many men greeted us with handshakes and words of appreciation as the concert ended and they returned to their units.  I noticed this one man sitting near the back on my left during the concert music and several times during my preaching.  He was really focused above and beyond his singing along, listening, and clapping to the beat with Unchained and again following my preaching points.  This man appeared deeply moved.  

As most of the men pursued me after the service, particular one stood out, again.  As we shook hands, he wanted to hold on.  

Very appreciative, he said, "Thank you for coming, thank you for your message.  I needed that, today.  Thank you, thank you, thank you." Only then, he left.

Chris Sherry and Homer Haynes of Unchained
Several others offered their gratitude witnessing to my heart about the work of the Holy Spirit through Unchained, PFC hosts KC and Craig, and me.  The Unchained band members packed up their multiple instruments, cables, speakers, amplifiers, and microphones and we headed off to Olympic about 70 miles from CBCC, just south of Forks.

Each corrections center culture is different.  I am one of the PFC group leaders at Olympic and always find the officers appreciative, helpful, and genuinely friendly.  Over the five years serving at Olympic, about 9-10 months each year, we get to know the inmates and enjoy praying and sharing with them. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

We choose our greatest Christmas ever

We all make this Christmas season exactly what we want it to be. We don't have to get sucked in to whatever we think stresses and oppresses us. 
This was the very sign
So, fix your eyes on Jesus, pray, and let the Spirit guide you to your greatest Christmas ever! 
When I was maybe around 10 or 11, my Mom and I were Christmas shopping around the Old Federal Way Shopping Center across from People's Bank.  There was a drunk man walking around us and a sign about X-mas that upset her.  The X-mas sign commercialized Christmas. I couldn't figure out why people would walk around drunk in a public place.
Steel Lake Presbyterian Church, now
I have rich and wonderful memories of family and church celebrations around this awesome season.  From about 1961-1978, our Federal Way,  family attended a late night Christmas Eve Service at Steel Lake Presbyterian Church, visited our neighbor family who never attended church, and back home opened one present before heading off to bed.  
Our FW home now
On Christmas morning, Mom (and Dad) made us open presents slowly and watch one another.  Like the kids, Dad got a big kick out of it all....then, it all ended so quickly and then we ate breakfast and we were off running the rest of the day. 
What are your cherished Christmas memories?

So, what should we make of celebrating the birth of Jesus, what we have always known as Christmas?
Charles H. Spurgeon

On December of 1855 Charles H. Spurgeon preached on "The Incarnation and Birth of Christ" from Micah 5:2. His opening words were these: "THIS is the season of the year when, whether we wish it or not, we are compelled to think of the birth of Christ. I hold it to be one of the greatest absurdities under heaven to think that there is any religion in keeping Christmas day. There are no probabilities whatever that our Savior Jesus Christ was born on that day.

"I wish there were ten or a dozen Christmas-days in the year; for there is work enough in the world, and a little more rest would not hurt laboring people. Christmas-day is really a boon to us, particularly as it enables us to assemble round the family hearth and meet our friends once more. Still, although we do not fall exactly in the track of other people, I see no harm in thinking of the incarnation and birth of the Lord Jesus. We do not wish to be classed with those--

"Who with more care keep holiday
The wrong, than others the right way."