Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Giving our lives to Jesus

During an awesome contact time this afternoon, one of the men shared his uncertainty about whether He had given his heart fully to the Lord. "I haven't done that, yet," he said.
He received Christ as Savior with me last week and is totally new to the Scriptures. This brother connects what he is learning from the word of God to the 12 steps of AA. He is carrying a tremendous weight of guilt and bitterness from his past. He started reading in Matthew so we went through portions of chapters 5-7, "The Sermon on the Mount." These are the very rock core teachings of Jesus about what kind of people we are and how we are to live as His children, giving everything we have over to Him every day. Oh, what a deep, tremendous, living word for each of us!

1 comment:

Cal Redmond said...

It's great to hear how God is working through you, Mark! May you continue to serve Him.