Prisoners for Christ Outreach Ministries
P.O. Box 1350
Woodinville, WA 98372-1350

On November 8, I participated in a concert with "His Harmony" at the Monroe Corrections Center. We were at MSU, which is a minimum security unit for men. The inmates may be finishing up their incarceration or serving time because of probation violations. His Harmony, Angie Swanson, Annette McDermott, Sherrie Fricks, Michelle Warnock, and Richard Fricks, always lead in outstanding worship. Angie shared a great message on her heart to impact change, regardless of her response to the recently-completed election process.

The highlight of this service was Michelle Warnock's announcement that she and husband Aaron are going to be adopting a daughter after the baby's January 22 anticipated birth date. Michelle was smiling and just glowing, six inches off the floor! Michelle and Aaron have been praying about this for months and are working through an adoption agency in Auburn. Angie, Annette, Sherrie, and Richard were ecstatic with her as Michelle chose the concert to announce the details to them. At dinner at Red Robin and on the way home, Michelle recounted all the wonderful details of their surprise party at the agency and made numerous calls to friends.
I preached from 1 John 1 about what a Christian looks like, how we act, what happens in our lives--we are changed, we live a transformed, joyful life focused on the great good news gospel and Jesus Christ. We have fellowship with one another and with His Son Jesus Christ. The Apostle John wrote this letter that our joy together might be complete.
After the service, one of the men recalled a message I shared in Q unit at the Regional Justice Center in Kent over a year ago from 2 Timothy 2:22 on fleeing youthful lusts and pursuing godliness with "those who call on God from a pure heart." He remembered I actually yelled "flee" in a very small room where we have our service to underscore the life-threatening danger of sin, as if our house was burning. Paul challenges believers to pursue godly relationships with the same kind of focus. We "flee" and "pursue."
I continue to serve at the Regional Justice Center in Kent and at Echo Glenn up near Issaquah. I also maintain corespondence with several men who are serving their sentences in prison settings around the state.
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