Terry Virgo recently shared reflections sitting under the preaching of Martyn Lloyd Jones in London--

Gathering with the hundreds, I awaited the arrival of his bald dome as he ascended the stairs behind the rather massive pulpit, approached the podium and led us into our opening hymn.
Of course the atmosphere of the meeting was extraordinarily formal. Having said that, his long prayer which was part of the service wedged between two or three hymns was always uplifting and edifying, but what one actually attended the Chapel for and eagerly awaited was to hear the great man preach.
Often he would hold you absolutely spellbound by his exposition. The style differed considerably from most modern preachers. There was very rarely any humor or any personal reference. This was Bible exposition at its very best with very great dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit.
The fear of God
On another deeply memorable night at the Chapel, he started his sermon in Acts but was drawn into Romans 1 and concentrated on the three times where it is stated ‘God gave them up’. I haven’t heard such preaching before or since.
I have never felt the sense of awe and fear of God as I felt during that amazing sermon.
As he concluded, we sang the inevitable closing hymn, but, having sung it, everyone sat in silence for long moments and no one rushed to leave the building.
It was perhaps the most awesome moment I have ever known in church and an experience that was not simply personal to me but being felt across the whole hushed congregation."
If you are drawn to read more, I invite you to click over to:
Terry Virgo’s Blog » Blog Archive » Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaching in Pensacola.
It was perhaps the most awesome moment I have ever known in church and an experience that was not simply personal to me but being felt across the whole hushed congregation."
If you are drawn to read more, I invite you to click over to:
Terry Virgo’s Blog » Blog Archive » Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaching in Pensacola.
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