David Warren Fisher's "Pilgrim Scribblings" blog was the first I really started to follow several years ago. He used to be a chaplain with the Toronto Blue Jays, which drew my attention. He also served with a hockey team. His writing speaks to me often. Several days ago, he reflected on the passing of Michael and Farah and carried a poem--
David's pastor/writer friend Greg Asimakoupoulos penned the following poem in the aftermath of Farrah and Michael's death and it ties in well with my thoughts.
Remembering an Angel and the King
Pondering the passing of two celebrities...
Farrah's dead and Michael, too.
The news is shocking, sad but true.
The King of Pop and Ryan's hope
are gone before their time.
But lest I think "Who gives a care?"
I'd best remember I'll be there.
What's bad will someday steal what's good.
There's no way to beat it.
So we'd do well to plan ahead
before our friends find out we're dead.
Let's make amends with those we've wronged
and make our peace with God.
Check out Greg's writing at "The Partial Observer."
Jim Dixon and I just came back from an amazing PFC tour of prisons and jails in Eastern Washington and Oregon. The trek passed over about 1,000 miles to Airway Heights outside Spokane, Pine Lodge women's facility in Medical Lake on Friday; Two Rivers in Umatilla, OR. and Walla Walla on Saturday; and Pendleton, OR. and Ahtanum in Yakima on Sunday. We really missed Chuck, Wayne, and Dwight. In various places, the inmates asked about each one.
I was approached by Peter, a student from my time at Jason Lee Middle School (1993-1997)after our ministry in Walla Walla. It was a rich, glorious, and sobering moment.
With very warm eyes, Peter said, "It's good to see you," offering me his hand.
Shaking his hand, I asked if he'd been at the Regional Justice Center.
"No, at a school." Pause. We held our hands in position.
"You were at Jason Lee in Tacoma."
"Yes, that's it. It is REALLY good to see you."
I will write Peter, if I can connect with the chaplain. I may never see him, again. The Lord confirmed in my heart Peter is a changing man. Peter was a "bad boy," as the current saying goes. He is a child of the King, a saint of God, a member of the family of God.
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