In this picture, Jim is on the right and is sharing with Jerry Corelli, another awesome singer and guitarist, as we met together for fellowship and to prepare for future ministries.

It takes four hours each way to travel going through Aberdeen and north up the coast on Highway 101. We traveled cautiously as there was a very strong wind and rain storm on the Washington coast. Trees fell across the road that had been cut and moved by the time we drove through. The wind was calm but it was raining very hard all the way. When we go again on December 5, Jim committed to bringing his chain saw as a precautionary measure.
The 12 men who joined us were very responsive as we sang choruses while Jim led on the piano, while he presented his concert, and then I used a word study on an joyful attitude or mind Christlikeness. I shared about what it means to experience the mind of Christ from Philippians.
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