Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center |
At the RJC last night, one of the inmates, I'll call him Dan, asserted that Jesus Christ is not God and challenged Ted and me to show us where the Bible calls Him God. I was starting to walk through a 1 Timothy 4 about, "profitable godliness for every man" with the group of two.
I've been leading a Bible study group with Dwight and since last year Ted in D unit at the Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent.
He started with, "What makes your religion better than any other? I have studied many religions. What someone else believes in another place in the world is just as real for them. Some groups believe they are one with nature. Jesus did not answer Pilate when he asked Him. Jesus was silent."
These kinds of questions are common as we meet with the men. Some have genuine questions. Others want to stir up difficulty.
I had several options, at that point. I could have told him we could discuss his questions independently. I could have asked Ted, my partner, to answer his questions one-on-one outside the room while I shared 1 Timothy with the other participant. He was generally respectful so we tried to answer him. While in these evening sessions, I need to maintain gracious control of the process.

The inmates are not in control of the activity and they know it. Sometimes, they don't act like they know it. I could have asked him to leave or requested the support of an officer. Dan remained respectful although not agreeable.
Was Jesus silent when He was asked by Pilate if He was the Son of God? I started with Matthew 27:11-14. Pilate asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews? Jesus said, "You have said so." His answer was, yes, I am. He let Pilate's statement stand.
Since we were in Matthew, I guided the group to 26:64-65. Jesus prophesied they would "see Him, the Son of Man at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven." I took us to Daniel 7:13-14 where one like the son of man comes in the clouds to the Ancient of Days where the Son of Man was presented before the Ancient of Days."
Jesus clearly called Himself God. The high priest clearly knew what Jesus was talking about and tore his robes, an act depicting blasphemy. There was no misunderstanding. The high priest understood Jesus was calling Himself God.
We next went to Titus 2:13, "...appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 13:14 says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
As this was all happening, I took a deep breath and prayed. It is not our role to convince or persuade the questioner-skeptic. That is the sovereign ministry of the Holy Spirit. We might not answer each question exactly right. We are to gently, clearly, and carefully present the truth and let the Spirit do His work (2 Timothy 2:24-26). Ted stepped in several times to make comments and support what we read. We worked together smoothly.
The inmate, Dan, wanted to derail the process with other questions about God's goodness in His plan of salvation to judge sinners. We read Romans 3:21-31 about Jesus demonstrating God's righteousness as the just and justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Thomas exclaimed, "My Lord and my God," after he touched the marks of crucifixion on the Risen Christ. Jesus let Thomas' statement stand. Jesus is Lord and God!
We finished with Jesus incredible "I AM" statement from John 8:58 and Exodus 3:13-15 and Isaiah 6:1-3 and verses 9-10 which connects to John 12:40-41, "(Isaiah) saw His glory and spoke of Him (Jesus)."
Our hour was up. Dan was not necessarily convinced. Phil, the other inmate, mentioned to me on the way out I could have used Hebrews 1. I really thanked him. Yes, I could have used that and other verses.