We saw the Lord bring 14 to the Alliance VBS in the morning and 20 youth at our evening Centennial Park outreach Tuesday, both more than doubling our numbers from Monday, in our Faith Student Ministries missions trip in Fort Macleod and Pincher Creek, Alberta.
At the park, Dawna Mitchell and Tabitha Lovell gave their testimonies after awesome "steal the flag" and "ultimate frisbee" battles among the youth.
It was amazing to have 14 return to the church tonight for our after-party and prayer time at the Alliance Church. We opened with worship songs and then discussed questions about genuine faith amidst real doubts and broken circumstances. Several asked real questions they are struggling with.
How can I know God is real?
Why should I trust trhe Bible?
What can I do with my addictions?
Why should I trust Him when I am hurting because...?
Is God in control of the bad things?
PA tried to answer their questions the best he could. Once, a young lady asked a question and took off to take a phone call. Where did she go? I thought she had a question. Maybe another one needed to think through the answer and hear what PA or somebody else said.
The Pincher Creek team is running full-speed, as well. Friends may follow their progress on our blog.

He would have me daily, moment by moment, give myself to Him as a living sacrifice. Romans12:11 says, "Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."
I spent the day reminding myself, meditating on a fervent spirit to serve Him with joy and gladness.
Again, we spent the afternoon cleaning and painting at the Fort Macleod Rodeo Grounds. I worked with Brandon Haynes, Becky Denney, Dawna Mitchell, and Sarah Blair to paint the riding shoots red inside the pavilion.
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