Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Men in the desert

Teaching in the morning
Wapato--Men at Standing Stones have a HUGE chance to watch the Lord Himself transform their lives forever. There are six men enrolled at Standing Stones Ministries (SSM) here in a Christ-centered regeneration transitional living home.  

Each of the six, ranging from 32-49 years-old didn't arrive here because they wanted to be here or for the "right" reasons, at least to begin with.

There are no fences or gates around or locks on the doors. The men are not trapped behind gates around the facility.  Each could leave at any time.  They could relapse to their addiction of choice right here or upon leaving.

For every one of us living with our families, being where we all are supposed to be because we want to be or for the "right" reasons may be shaky, at best, at the beginning.  Each of us may walk into dark hallways in our lives.  We hurt in a hard place. 

Guarantees and promises are non-existent in the world of recovery for substance abuse people.  In the past, men have left the program.  Others relapsed.  Some came back and failed again.  A few are choosing peace in the power of the Holy Spirit and strength that comes from engaging, stepping into their program in the Lord, with other men.

Dave teaching
SSM is all about the men who are serving and receiving.  It's not about the facility, buildings, property, wood shop.  Because the Lord's people are here, He is here.  His Holy Spirit is working.

The men are Cam and Wilson (both graduating July 9), Freddy, Jim, Glenn, and Michael.  Their 10- month program is run by Director Dave Garton, assisted by Jamie Neault.  Dave  and his wife Gail have been at SS for about 1 1/2 years.  

Jamie sharing
Dave brings 25 total years overseeing recovery and received training from the Dunklin Memorial Camp in Florida.  Before landing in Wapato with SSM, he and Gail, his wife, spent 14 years at Dunklin and seven years in South Africa.

Like most of the men, he's experienced the grinder of abuse from his dad and then his own rounds with substance abuse.  When he teaches and mentors the men, he really knows, having actively experienced what the men are thinking and doing.

Jamie is from Wisconsin, 41, and went through the program himself and has served for several years to the glory of God to support Dave.

The men work through four phases in the 10 months-- orientation, regeneration, inner healing, and discipleship.  Each day, the men balance Bible study, journaling, rigorous moral inventory, instruction about substance abuse recovery, daily chores around the facility, and five hours of work responsibilities.  On Sundays, the men from SSM attend the Selah Community Church.

There is God-driven huge hope I can palpably sense with the men here.  Most of the men currently enrolled have strong family support or are praying to reconcile with them.  It's not an easy road for any of the men and their families.

Cameron is 32 and will be returning to his wife and two year-old daughter in July.  I met Cam when he came last September embroiled in heroin abuse lifestyle subculture and hammered with cycles of selfishness.  His wife was really distressed one centimeter away from divorce on her first visit in September. He got it right from the beginning.  He was contrite and teachable.  He is working on dying to everything in his pride and selfishness.  His family is coming again, this weekend, for the last time before he graduates, he said. 

Wilson is 44 and from the Navajo people group.  He has been drinking since he was 15. So, he has been sober for nine months. His dad and older brother abused him.  His mom actually got him out of their house so he wouldn't be further abused.  His dad died and the abusing brother is in prison.

Wilson lived under a bridge in Tacoma before he came to SS.  He's a hard worker and wants to learn.  He's got more support than he even knows from his family and by God's grace has a place to stay and a job to return to when he graduates on July 9.
Jim sharing with me

Jim, 49, is from Arlington and has been in the program for three months.  He has struggled with levels of alcoholism. The drinking cost him his job and placed his marriage and family in serious jeopardy.  He came directly to SS after a family intervention.  He is working through issues of long-term recovery and whatever the Lord does in his marriage


Freddy has been in and out of the Yakima County Jail for the last several years as a result of alcohol and other substance abuse issues.  He ran off several members of his family when he came to SS one month ago.  Everything is really fresh for him. I met Freddy in 2006 during a PFC concert at the Yakima God Pod, as they called it, then.

Michael's garden
Michael is single and 33 from Colorado and has scientist and engineer oozing out of him.  He is considering youth ministry, as well.  He cleaned up a trashed mobile home for a multiple-stage vermaculture fertilizer process.  Dave got him started from his experiences in South Africa and he took off with it.  He is engaging in recovery from substance abuses here.  I believe the Lord wants to use Michael for His glory. During the teaching times, he steps into it.
'Tana Glen
Glen is 49 and from Montana. He has been at the program for five months.  He has a wife and three children who are at the end of their ropes with his alcohol issues.  He desperately prays his kids will be safe and learn from his mistakes. 

Addiction becomes a family illness and disease.  Long-term recovery was an intervention and ultimatum..  He is an alcoholic since he was 12 years-old and escalated in 2004.  After jail time in Billings, with still incompleted legal issues, he was driven to SSM by a lifetime friend.   The program is works through his anger, selfishness, and pride.

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